AUCHENIPTERIDAE: Driftwood cats, Wood cats


  Author  Article
Telling genders apart in Auchenipteridae   Daniel Konn-Vetterlein 137

BAGRIDAE: Asian catfishes, Bagrids, Mystus




Close, But No siamensis   R. Shane Linder 015

CALLICHTHYIDAE: Corydoras, Brochis, Aspidoras, Scleromystax, Hoplo's 




An attempt to spawn upon demand?   Adrian W.Taylor 091
Aspidoras maculosus   Bill Bishopp 032
A Tale of 5 Cory's   John & Helen McGuire 004
Breeding and development of Brochis splendens (Castelenau, 1855)   Brian Walsh 017
Breeding and fry development in Corydoras rabauti   Graham Ramsay 114
Breeding Aspidoras cf. rochai Ihering, 1907   Adrian W.Taylor 124
Breeding Aspidoras sp. C125   Adrian W.Taylor 066
Breeding Corydoras adolfoi   Mona Opland 088
Breeding Corydoras arcuatus   Graham Ramsay 105
Breeding Corydoras barbatus (Qouy & Gainard 1824)   Jim Makin 014
Breeding Corydoras burgessi, Axelrod 1987   Adrian Payne 013
Breeding Corydoras davidsandsi, Black 1987   Allan James 003
Breeding Corydoras elegans   Allan James 007
Breeding Corydoras guapore 2005 – 2006   Mary Wells 086
Breeding Corydoras melanistius, My  first experience breeding Corydoras   Mark Bryson 002
Breeding Corydoras melanotaenia   Mark Bryson 022
Breeding Corydoras nattereri   Mark Bryson 001
Breeding Corydoras xinguensis   Mark Bryson 016
Corydoras (Hoplisoma) cf. sanchesi Nijssen & Isbrucker, 1967   Ian Fuller 010
Corydoras robineae   Eric Bodrock 056
Corydoras sp. C121   Graham Ramsay 089
Hatching Corydoras & Fry raising   Ian Fuller 136
Hoplosternum pectorale   D.O.Carr 011
Observations of the Three species of the Genus Corydoras (now Scleromystax)   Jim Makin 023
Spawning Brochis splendens (Castelnau, 1855)   Adrian W.Taylor 128
Spawning Corydoras hastatus   Jim Makin 055
Spawning Corydoras metae   Jim Makin 054
Spawning Aspidoras sp. CW052 'Black fin'   Adrian W.Taylor 125
Spawning of the "Broad Banded" Corydoras Adolfoi   Adrian Payne 012
The first recorded spawning of Corydoras guianensis Nijssen, 1970   Mel Rushmore 129

CLARIIDAE: Walking catfishes




Final speech for the “Walking Catfish”, Clarias batrachus   Wolfgang Ros 067
Initiating reproduction with the Walking Catfish (Clarias batrachus)   Wolfgang Ros 096
Pair behaviour of the “Walking Catfish”, Clarias batrachus   Wolfgang Ros 083

HEPTAPTERIDAE: South & Central American Pims




An Observation On A Spawning Of Brachyrhamdia imitator   J.T.Morris 019

ICTALURIDAE: North American Bullheads, Madtoms




Spawning the Rare Pygmy Madtom, Noturus stanauli   J. R. Shute 036

LORICARIIDAE: Pleco's, L-numbers




A case of crossbreeding in Hypancistrus (L136 x L066)   Yann Fulliquet 070
Ancistrus Sp. 'Gold Form' Albino   Helen Burns 005
Breeding the LG6 Whiptail catfish   Graham Ramsay 087
First time Spawning and Raising of the Xingu-Lizard-Cat, Rineloricaria cf. tefeana   Malcolm Bryson 021
Hypancistrus sp L028, An undiscribed species of Loricariid from the Rio Guamá   Yann Fulliquet 050
Keeping and Breeding Sturisomatichthys leightoni, The Dwarf Royal Farlowella   Paul E.Turley 008
My Breeding Experience with Ancistrus sp. L144   Knut Kjesbu 081
Observations on the Spawning and Raising Of The Member of The Genus Parotocinclus   J.T.Morris 020
Rineloricaria parva, The Whiptail Catfish   Helen Burns 006
Spawning the "Zebra Pleco" (Hypancistrus zebra - L046)   Kevin Korotev 028
The Redfin Dwarf Otto   Kevin Korotev 035

MOCHOKIDAE: Synodontis, Upside-Down Cats




Spawning Synodontis multipunctatus   Chad Christensen 024
Spawning Synodontis multipunctatus with Haplochromis sauvagel   Harold & Derek Walker 029
Spawning Synodontis petricola   Harold & Derek Walker 030
The Spawning and Raising of the Pygmy Cat; Synodontis petricola   Graham Burnside 025
Synodontis lucipinnis (formerly Synodontis Petricola "dwarf")   Benoît Jonas 120

If you have bred any catfishes whether you had success or failure, this is the section for you. There are some very interesting and informative articles here from some of the top breeders around the world.

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